Welcome to AK Musicare's 1-on-1 Zoom Classes

We’re delighted to offer you personalized guitar instruction through our exclusive 1-on-1 Zoom classes. Led by our founder and experienced guitar instructor, Ashwani Kashyap, these classes are designed to help you reach your musical goals efficiently and effectively.

  • Personalized Attention: Receive individualized instruction tailored to your specific needs and goals.
  • Flexible Scheduling: Schedule your weekly sessions at a time that works best for you.
  • Comprehensive Learning: Access supplementary materials and resources to enhance your learning experience.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from an experienced instructor with a passion for teaching and a dedication to your success.
  1. Registration: To enroll in our 1-on-1 Zoom classes, simply fill the form given in this webpage. Once registered, you’ll receive a confirmation email with further details.

  2. Schedule: Your weekly 60-minute Zoom session will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time between you and Ashwani Kashyap.

  3. Instruction: During each session, Ashwani will provide personalized instruction tailored to your skill level and goals. You’ll receive guidance on technique, repertoire, music theory, and more.

  4. Supplementary Materials: Alongside your Zoom sessions, you’ll receive access to high-quality instructional videos to aid your practice throughout the week. Additionally, you’ll receive a PDF book, workshop materials for each session, and exercise sheets based on guitar music theory.

  5. Progress Tracking: Throughout the 3-month course, you’ll track your progress with the help of Ashwani’s guidance and support. Regular feedback will ensure that you stay on the right track towards achieving your goals.

  • Duration: The course spans over 3 months, with one class per week.
  • Timing: Class timings will be determined based on student preferences.
  • Class Size: 1-on-1 
  • Price: ₹5000 per month.
  1. Immediate Access: Students receive access to high-quality workshop videos right after each class.
  2. Reinforcement: Videos reinforce concepts covered in class and provide additional practice exercises.
  3. Convenience: Access videos anytime, anywhere to enhance learning and mastery of guitar skills.

Ready to elevate your guitar skills with personalized 1-on-1 instruction? Register for our Zoom classes today and embark on an enriching musical journey with AK Musicare!

